Our team

Rob was formerly the leading partner and founder of Richardson & Associates, which operated from 1979 to 2016. He is now the sole shareholder and president of Small Business Accounting and Tax, Inc. He has been in public accounting since 1969. Rob’s responsibilities in the firm include helping clients accumulate wealth through; management consulting, business valuations, and financial planning.
He passed the CPA examination in 1972, the certified financial planner (CFP) examination in 1991, and the certified valuation analyst examination (CVA) in 1995.
Omaha knows Rob well, as he is active in community affairs and community service. He is a past Chairman of the CPA Connect Advisory Board, which is the leading network of accounting firms and is affiliated with CPA America and Horwath International.


Diana Cervantes is a paraprofessional accountant who joined the firm in 1983. She is responsible for client monthly write-up work, bank reconciliation, processing tax returns and payroll processing. Her duties also include answering phones, copying, and filing. Diana has worked in public accounting for over 20 years, progressing from bookkeeper to her current paraprofessional position. She has taken many business courses through Metropolitan Community College and has taken numerous non-credit courses to enhance her computer skills.
Stay in Touch
Available Always
Small Business Tax & Accounting, Inc. 11060 Oak Street Suite #9, Omaha,NE 68144-4826
Phone: 402.496.7000
Fax: 402.496.7100